Summary of Research Lines |
LINE 0. Support Activities : All activities supporting the rest of the
lines such as writing coordination procedures, planning, setting up and
maintaining web pages, etc.
LINE I. Physical Infrastructure. Core Layer 1 p.: This
line covers software and hardware aspects. As to hardware, it consists on
setting up the robotic infrastructure and additional equipment, such as
cameras, bumpers, on-board computers, etc.
Regarding software, the line pretends in to create, in the first place,
an interface of low-level functions for controlling speed, position, angle
and in general, motion of the robot, with two requirements (a) control
theory-grounded drivers, and (b) transparency of implementational
aspects such as communications. This set of sw functions constitute the
Layer 0, adjusted and particularized for the robot.
Another interface formed by functions of higher level of abstraction will be
built, which will be called Layer 1. It will be formed by general cognitive
functions; among them will be included emotions and homeostasis.
The purpose of this line is to extract functional principles from natural
systems, generalize them and formalize them in algorithms. Then, they
will be implemented for the robot by using the interface provided by Layer
0 and eventually, intermediate interfaces. The resulting Layer 0-Layer
1 system will be used to investigate performance of complex artificial
systems: autonomy, intelligence, adaptivity, etc., and to develop metrics
and systematic design rules.
LINE II. Cross-Domain Infrastructure. Extended Layer 1 p.:
The work in this line will focus on two points: (a) identification and
investigation of eventual gaps left in Line I in order to complete
a comprehensive framework of cognitive functions (b) apply Layer 1
functions to domains apart from robotics: process plants, internet and
biological systems. The theory resulting from Line I and Line II will lead
to a Layer Model Specification (LMS) which will propose a categorization
of cognitive functions in layers.
The activity of Line II will include building web and process plant
demonstrators, implementing cognitive functions.
LINE III. Cognitive Engineering. Layer 2 p.: Lines I and II have the
objective of identifying cognitive functions for systems. Line III will be
focused on investigating their potentiality in control of artificial systems.
This line includes theoretical developments in perception, cognition, action
of general systems, ontologies, experimentation with existing cognitive
architectures (ie: biological) and design of new ones for enhanced features.