Written by Web Master
Saturday, 12 June 2004 |
The SOUL Cognitive Architecture is a cognitive architecture under development at the Autonomous Systems Laboratory.
According to Wikipedia a cognitive architecture is a "blueprint for intelligent agents.
A cognitive architecture proposes (artificial) computational processes that act like certain cognitive systems, most often, like a person, or acts intelligent under some definition.
Cognitive architectures may be considered a subset of general agent architectures. The term 'architecture' implies an approach that attempts to model not only behavior, but also structural properties of the modelled system. These need not be physical properties: they can be properties of virtual machines implemented in physical machines (e.g. brains or computers)." |
Note that in most cases, the term cognitive is taken to mean thinking like a human. In SOUL, however, while very interested in human thinking, we are more interested in thinking itself, i.e. the very ground of intelligence; for us cognition means, basically, governing processes based on knowledge.
While this may sound as moving the lack of precision about cognition into the lack of precision that surrounds knowledge, this is not the case.
Please stay tuned. SOUL is going to provide answers to age-old problems.
Last Updated ( Monday, 06 August 2007 )
New Consciousness Project C3 |
Written by Administrator
Monday, 09 August 2004 |
The spanish Ministry of Education has awarded us a project titled Conscious Cognitive Control. This project is going to elaborate on the topic of adding self-reflective capabilities to complex, real-world controllers for technical systems. |
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 February 2007 )
Written by Ricardo Sanz
Friday, 23 March 2007 |
The SOUL project tries to develop a cognitive architecture for complex cognitive control.
Control systems are software-intensive applications that are getting extremely complex not only in the field of distributed large-scale process control (e.g. energy management systems) but also in the context of deeply embedded devices (e.g. in the automotive industry).
Modern trends in controller architectures for autonomous systems (robots, industrial plants, web bots, etc.) are progressively focused in explicit formulations of high-level human cognitive capabilities.
Among them we consider essential the capability of assigning meaning to perceptual flows that the autonomous agent obtains from its interaction with a surrounding physical world and the capability for introspection.
Last Updated ( Friday, 23 March 2007 )