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Saturday, 12 June 2004

ImageThis is the website of Ricardo Sanz, professor in systems engineering and automatic control and researcher in the field of autonomous systems.

In this site you will find information regarding my activitiy as well as other sources that may be of interest to you. Feel free to explore the site and to suggest any improvement to it.

I do most of my activity as part of the Autonomous Systems Laboratory. ASLab is a research group of ample interests ranging from conventional control and real-time systems to model-based engineering processes and artificial intelligence.

This last is, indeed, my main topic of interest; or to be more precise, I'm interested in mind theory, both artificial and natural within the long term engineering objective of systematically creating better machines by means of improving their intelligence.

A brief blurb of biography:

Ricardo Sanz born in Tomellosa de Tajunña, Spain in 1963.

He received a degree in Industrial/Electrical Engineering (1987) and a PhD in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (1990) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.

Since 1991 he has been member of the Department of Automatic Control and Industrial Electronics of this university.

His main research interest is on architectures for intelligent control systems, being involved in research lines on software technologies for complex, distributed controllers, real-time artificial intelligence, cognitive systems and philosophical aspects of intelligent control systems.

He has been associated editor of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine, the international Journal of Machine Consciousness, the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures and the Frontiers in Robotics journals. He has been chairman of the IFAC Computers and Control Technical Committee and the OMG Control Systems working group and member of the IPC of many international conferences on control, computing, artificial intelligence, robotics and cognitive science.

He is also the founder and coordinator of the UPM Autonomous Systems Laboratory research group.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 08 July 2017 )
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