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John Markoff - Machines of Loving Grace Print E-mail
Friday, 07 July 2017
Far from the cybernetic meadow that Richard Brautigan saw in his poem All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace the intelligent machines that can merge with us are not yet here. In his book, Markoff -a technical journalist- tried to address the convergence of natural and artificial intelligence (hence the subtitle "The quest for common ground between humans and robots"). However, he failed. The book, while interesting reading, is a mere compilation of AI people's personal histories. The technical content is minimal and the distillation f the "common ground" is totally missing. However it is worth reading to see the ambient and economics of the AI community since its origins to the present day of Google's PageRank and Apple's Siri.


Machines of Loving Grace. The quest for common ground between humans and robots

John Markoff

Ecco - Harper Collins
378 pages


Value for time: 7

Main value: AI History; easy reading

Last Updated ( Saturday, 08 July 2017 )
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